
Acceleration Data Structures

Acceleration Data Structures

How to get spatial information about the scene efficiently

Mert Bora İnevi

Hidden Surface Removal

Hidden Surface Removal

Introduction to methods of hidden surface removal in contemporary 3D computer graphics

Mert Bora İnevi

Linear and Affine Transformations

Linear and Affine Transformations

Cheatsheet about affine transformation matrices

Mert Bora İnevi

Local and World Spaces

Local and World Spaces

An attempt to explain how local and world spaces work in computer graphics scene hierarchies

Mert Bora İnevi

Projective Space

Projective Space

How perspective projective works in computer graphics

Mert Bora İnevi

Texture Mapping

Texture Mapping

All to know about how to map textures onto a 3D surface

Mert Bora İnevi